Social Media Feeda Social Feed For Your Instagram Content

IKEA Poland uses a social media photo gallery feed to display authentic social media content from shoppers whenever they post on Instagram or Twitter using the store’s official hashtags. Social media feed examples: Ikea Poland.

  1. Social Media Feeds Social Feed For Your Instagram Content Free
  2. Social Media Feeds Social Feed For Your Instagram Content Delete
  3. Social Media Feeda Social Feed For Your Instagram Content Change

Open up the Explore tab in the app (the magnifying glass) for some inspiration— websites, channels, pets, and fictional characters have Instagram feeds. You can find feeds full of gadgets, movie. One great way to spruce up your website while integrating social media is by including a feed of social media posts on your pages. Here’s a great example from Ferrari. Notice how it’s both a call to action and also an effective plug of their Instagram account: These are typically live feeds of your social media posts. That’s the joy of social media: trying things, making mistakes, changing tactics, optimizing content, and continually evolving and improving your Instagram strategy. So, make sure you’re reviewing your Instagram analytics at least once a month.

If you use social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, you may already know they go a long way in helping you connect with your customers in a direct and personal way.But clients and customers might not be well acquainted with your social presence. Therefore, the smart way to build a massive online following is to embed Instagram feeds and other social media profiles to your website. In this article, we will explore how you can embed your Instagram feeds directly into your website.If you want to get your Instagram feed in a side bar, your home page, your footer, or a blog post (like this), then keep on reading!

Embed Instagram feed on website using HTML for free

Before we get into the step by step process of how to embed your Instagram feed in your website, it's important for you to know that

Social Media Feeds Social Feed For Your Instagram Content Free

this is totally free!We're using our own app,, to walk you through this.On the free plan, you get 3 sources and feeds. Even better, there's no obvious branding so you don't have to be embarrassed by some software app's logo smeared all over your Insta feed. is an easy-to-customize aggregator that lets you pull from over a dozen sources. If you'd like to give's free forever plan a spin sign up today.

Step 1: Choose an Instagram business account or hashtag

When you add an Instagram feed to your website, you have a couple of different options.(You can even add social media content from other platforms, but we'll save that for another post!)You can choose to curate an Instagram feed made up of your Instagram business account, or a few different hashtags.For this tutorial, we'll go with an Instagram business account. You just sync in via Facebook and select the associated Instagram business account you want to use.

Step 2: Curate your feed

Next up, it's time to curate your feed. You can remove the images that you don't want showing up in the feed you'll embed on your website. You should also update the settings for automatic curation. Do you want everything to be automatically approved to show up on your site? Or do you want to have to greenlight each image?

Step 3: Design your feed

The next step is to update the design of your feed.You can choose from our pre-set designs that include different ways of portraying the captions. Some designs let you hover over the image to see the captions, while others put the caption below or next to the image.If you want, you can even upload your own custom posts to your feed. Yup, these are images that you didn't upload on Instagram. You might want to do this if you're promoting a product or a freebie offer.

Step 4: Copy the HTML code into your site

Finally, it's time to embed the HTML code into your website. Just hit 'Get code' and then 'Copy to clipboard.'Then you can paste it wherever you want: a section of your home page, a blog post, a landing page, or even the sidebar of your blog post.Let's go ahead and add it to the sidebar.To do embed the Instagram feed HTML code into Wordpress (for free!), we just need to drag and drop a Custom HTML widget over.Next we paste the HTML code from over to the Custom HTML content box. There's no need to add a title, unless you want to. You could write something like, 'The latest Instagram posts' or anything creative you can think of.

Step 5. Admire your Instagram feed in your website

And it's done! Here's what the feed looks like in the sidebar of a blog.This style puts the caption right below the image and it moves through the posts in an automated slider. It's a very engaging and eye-catching addition to your blog!But of course, if you prefer a simpler look, you can create a grid style where the captions don't show unless you hover over them, like this example feed: is an easy-to-customize aggregator that lets you pull from over a dozen sources. If you'd like to give's free forever plan a spin sign up today.

Other Instagram embedding methods

While the above is the simplest and easiest way to embed Instagram feeds on your website, there are other ways to do this too.Maybe you want to embed individual posts, or try other methods for feed embeds, or write your own custom code to create a feed.

Individual posts

You may want to embed individual posts to your website. While this is easy to do, it can be cumbersome in the long run, because you have to keep on embedding to particular posts. In other words, if you would like this embed to display the most recent post, then you’d need to move back and edit your embed whenever you create a new Instagram post. For most people, who post on a daily basis, this would be a lot of trouble for not much value.Embedding an individual post is easy. Simply navigate underneath the post, and you will notice a […] button. Proceed to click this button, and you will see several options, including embed. Tap embed.Copy the code that will appear. Next, paste it in your WordPress blog post, and it will automatically convert into an embed. You are done! The process is that simple. You may also add extra parameters such as specifying the width of the post, hiding the captions of the post and display just the image with Instagram’s frame trappings.

Feed plug in options

Instagram does not offer a single box plugin to help you display content from your account. Therefore, to embed your Instagram feeds or entire Instagram profile, you will need to use third-party plugins.Instagram feed plugins work by allowing you to enter your Instagram account ID and then displaying a gallery of your recent posts. This includes your latest photos, a page, and the sidebar area of your website. is one of the most popular Instagram feed embed tools. Most people like it because it covers several social networks all at once. works with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Hashtag feeds, and more.You don't have to do numerous feeds either. will let you aggregate all of the different sources into a single embedded feed. In other words, you do not need to have your RSS feeds, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram feeds, and others in different locations and format. You use a single central feed instead.Using a single feed is more convenient for you and your site visitors. Otherwise, you're looking at a cluttered site that's not pleasant for offers free versions as well as paid versions. Using the free version, you can still access content from various social media platforms all at once and even filter by hashtag. However, the advantage of the paid version is that get more customization options, refined filtering and many other features you will find useful.You can start with the free version and once you see the benefits, you'll likely want to upgrade for even more engagement with your Instagram feed and other social feeds. is an easy-to-customize aggregator that lets you pull from over a dozen sources. If you'd like to give's free forever plan a spin sign up today.


SnipWidget isn't just a single widget, but a variety of widgets you may consider to embed posts in several ways. Some of its unique features include:
  1. A simple grid widget that helps display image thumbnails, which as users hover over them, you will see likes as well as replies to the particular post in question. This is fun and interactive.
  2. The second feature that may interest you is the scrolling widget. This feature helps showcase a few selected posts in a line. The posts scroll at your specified rate and only stop if a user hovers over a post, so that they can tap to visit the source. Think of it as a slider on your site's homepage, but with social media posts.
  3. The map widget displays geotagged posts on a Google map. And this can come in handy if you travel a lot, and you would want to showcase several posts from various places you have been to all at once. Just like, it offers a free version, but you can go for a premium version to access custom CSS, more marketing options and built-in analytics.
As you can see, there are several options and features to choose from.EmbedSocialEmbedSocial is also a series of plugins. Perhaps you may have come across some of them, such as EmbedStories, EmbedFeed, EmbedAlbum and EmbedReviews. With the free version, you can access, aggregate and create up to ten Instagram albums or Facebook albums. However, if you are looking to increase the number of data sources or turn your gallery into a shop, then you may consider a premium version.

Custom Code

If you are tech savvy and you can code, you may also consider writing a plugin code yourself. You will need to apply for a token for authentication allowing you to access the Insta API (and this where things get tricky for most programmers).To begin with, following several privacy breaches, Instagram is in the process of changing their API. There is an accelerated plan to drop their API in favor of Facebook Graph API. The potential outcome you should expect from this move is getting rid of ID which enabled you to aggregate photos from other users.One issue with creating your own plugin is you'll also be required to update it yourself as Instagram makes changes. With every change, your Instagram feed will become unavailable until you're able to update the code. Doing this and applying again could take days or weeks, which leaves site visitors thinking your site is incomplete.If you don't want to do it yourself, you can hire someone to create an Instagram embed plugin for you. This works well for custom websites or when you need a highly customized look and feel for your embedded Instagram feed.

Benefits of Adding Instagram Feeds

The options for embedding Instagram feeds above do vary in difficulty. However, choosing the right one or even the right combination is beneficial for your brand. Becoming an authority in your niche is crucial for gaining more organic traffic.Embedded Instagram feeds showcase your expertise on your website. For people who may not be on Instagram, this offers additional exposure to your expertise. Think of it as additional site content. Giving your visitors more is always a great idea.Plus, you're increasing the visibility of your Instagram posts. While Instagram's daily active user base is substantial, it's still not as huge as its parent company, Facebook, which has over a billion daily active users.Some of the biggest benefits of embedded Instagram feeds include:
  • Creating a seamless experience between Instagram and your website.
  • Bring user-generated content from Instagram straight to your site.
  • Providing social-proof.
  • Displaying your social media presence.
  • Encourage more conversation.
  • Get involved in trends.
  • Give your website a beautiful update.
Embedded Instagram feeds are only effective, though, if you stay active on the platform. Don't forget, you can also embed more than just your own personal feed. Use hashtags to also embed feeds mentioning your brand. Just make sure you monitor posts to avoid irrelevant posts.Ready to start bringing your Instagram and website followers together? is an easy-to-customize aggregator that lets you pull from over a dozen sources. If you'd like to give's free forever plan a spin sign up today.

Check out these examples of social media feeds embedded on websites and create your own in less than 5 minutes. Collect content from multiple social media platforms and showcase posts, photos and videos on a social media wall.

Engage your website visitors with a custom social feed.

Create a social feed with videos and posts collected from multiple social media channels and embed it on your website to engage your visitors.

Why you should embed a social media feed on your website

There are many advantages to using a social media feed on your website. Your social content adds a fresh feel to your website by showing that you’re active online and interacting with your customers and fans. And it can show what your fans are saying about you. And who better to talk about you, your products or services than your loyal customers?

Social Media Feeds Social Feed For Your Instagram Content Delete

Adding a live social media feed on your website will help you:

  • Increase conversions
  • Keep your website fresh
  • Make your visitors engage
  • Expand your online network
  • Increase brand awareness
Social media feeds social feed for your instagram content free

How create a social feed and embed it on your website social media feeds are responsive and very easy to embed on any website. Here are some options for adding a feed to your website:

  • Use JavaScript or iframe embed code. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to embed a social feed on your website using the custom embed code we generate for you automatically.
  • Use the WordPress plugin.
  • Use a website builder. If you’re using Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, or Jindo then check out this tutorial on how to embed a social wall on your website using website builders.

1. SIXT France social media feed

SIXT France uses a social media feed on its website to display authentic content generated by its customers. The car brand also adds custom posts featuring new car models to the feed. This kind of content helps website visitors get some information and make decisions about their next car purchase.

2. IKEA Poland social media feed

IKEA Poland uses a social media photo gallery feed to display authentic social media content from shoppers whenever they post on Instagram or Twitter using the store’s official hashtags.

IKEA Poland also uses to mix social media content produced by its customers on Instagram with custom posts uploaded by the IKEA team itself. This feed helps inspire buyers and increase their trust when deciding to make a purchase.

3. Ferrari social media feed

Ferrari uses a live social media feed on the and subdomains to display live social media updates from several social platforms. This helps Ferrari keep the website up to date by reusing the content that the social media team already publishes on the official social media channels.

4. beyerdynamic social media feed

beyerdynamic, a German manufacturer of audio equipment, is using a social media feed as part of its ecommerce website. The social feed connects user-generated content to the products in beyerdynamic’s online store.

The company is using to connect customers’ social media posts to the relevant products in the ecommerce shop. This engages visitors and increases the trust in the brand and its products. The social media feed helps them increase conversions with the help of authentic user-generated content.

Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. (2013, November 19). Frontal-lobe damage from alcohol may occur before general mental status challenges. Retrieved January 20, 2021 from. Association Between Alcohol Use and Damage to the Stomach Lining Alcoholic gastritis can develop after repeated alcohol use begins to irritate or even erode parts of the stomach lining. This, in turn, can leave the stomach lining more vulnerable to the acidic digestive juices normally produced by the body to digest food. High levels of this can indicate cholestatic damage or alcohol toxicity. Liver Function Test Results and Alcoholic Liver Disease. One of the complications of alcoholism is alcoholic liver disease. It is not completely understood why some alcoholics develop a problem with this organ; although, it is generally believed to be due to the toxic. Excess of dmg in alcohol. People who drink too much may start to feel pain and tingling in their limbs. This is known as alcoholic neuropathy. In people with alcoholic neuropathy, the peripheral nerves have been damaged.

5. Sacoor Brothers fashion retailer social media feed

The Sacoor Brothers fashion retailer uses a social wall in its online shop to display authentic user-generated content created by its customers and shared on various social media platforms using the store’s official hashtag #SacoorBrothers. The content serves as social proof and helps inspire website visitors.

Engage your website visitors with a custom social feed.

Create a social feed with videos and posts collected from multiple social media channels and embed it on your website to engage your visitors.

6. Memphis Grizzlies social media feed

The Memphis Grizzlies use social media feeds to showcase social content on various websites that they are running. The content of each social feed is adapted to the website it’s embedded on, and all social feeds are styled to fit the look of the site as well.

Repetier manual control machines. Here we have two different social walls; one is embedded on, the other one on The two walls are styled completely differently, each one adapted to fit the website it’s embedded on.

The Grizzlies switched to from a competitor and have since set up multiple social media walls, all to an impeccable standard. They’ve fully integrated social walls with their online marketing strategy.

7. Zotter social media feed

Zotter has set up a social media feed for multiple reasons. For one, the hashtag and social feed allow the social media team to keep track of social media postings about the brand. Furthermore, by setting up the feed on a screen at the company, Zotter employees can see how their hard work affects customer happiness.

And the social media feed embedded on the Zotter website serves to keep the website current even when the blog isn’t constantly updated with new content. They use a social feed to collect amazing user generated content created by their customers on social media using the #Zotter hashtag, mix it with the brand’s social feeds and share it with their website visitors.

8. Life is Good social media feed

To celebrate its 25th anniversary, Life is Good ran a hashtag campaign for donations. For every post using the hashtag #SomethingGood, the company donated $1 to the Life is Good Kids Foundation. $1 million was raised over the course of the campaign.

Posts from the campaign were displayed on a social media feed embedded on the campaign website. Users could take part via Twitter, Instagram, as well as an upload form that sent posts straight to the social wall as native posts using

9. Montpellier Airport social media feed

Montpellier Airport combines content from all its social media channels in a branded social media feed on its website. It keeps the website up to date by re-purposing the content that the social media team creates for Montpellier Airport’s social media channels. The social media feed inspires travelers and helps them discover new destinations. The airport uses it to also share the latest news and offers.

Social Media Feeda Social Feed For Your Instagram Content Change

10. University social media feed on website examples

Thousands of universities around the world are using social media to engage with their students. They use social media walls like to embed long-term custom social feeds on their websites. Social media feed embeds are a great place for providing information about the university, giving people an insight into what’s going on, attracting new students and creating a connection between students, staff, alumni, visitors, etc.

Makeup artbobby pins and lip gloss palette. Here’s how the University of Sussex uses a social wall on its graduation page, encouraging students to share their experience on social media and, thus, the “hall of fame”.

Here, we see the University of Toronto social wall embedded on the Back to School section of the website.

And here is Tiffin University’s general social wall, embedded on the website to give visitors some insight into what’s going on at the university.

Tiffin University’s social wall is not tied to any particular topic, allowing the social wall to change and feature all kinds of posts throughout the school year. It works well as a long-term embed on the school’s website.

Embedding a social wall on a microsite or your university’s website is incredibly easy. Just grab the embed code from your dashboard (you can tweak the settings to adjust how your embed will look) and paste it into the place on your site where you want to embed it.

We hope you’ll enjoy your social feed website embed

We’re excited to find out how you’re using your free social media wall. Send us a link to the page where you have the social feed embedded. The most spectacular and interesting use cases make it to our blog.