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iOS14 Safari browser : new XSLTProcessor().importStylesheet(xsl_file)).transformToDocument(newParsedXML) removes the href attribute from the <a> tag
Hello Team,We are seeing some issues with the XSLT transformation with iOS14 version(starting 14.1 version) and this was working fine in earlier versions.Issue : When an XSLT transformation is done using transformToDocument, we are observing that the anchor tag has the href attribute removed. Please refer to below example.Sample usage :new XSLTProcessor().importStylesheet(xsl_file)).transformToDocument(newParsedXML) Sample line from XSL file : <td><a href='javascript:alert(1)'><xsl:value-of select='catalog/cd/address'/></a></td> Expected :<a href='javascript:alert(1)'>Bangalore</a> Actual :<a>Bangalore</a> The UX is broken due to this as the links are no longer clickable with the href attribute being removed.However, when the href contains the link(as below) - this works as expected.Sample line from XSL file : <td><a href='https://www.google.com'><xsl:value-of select='catalog/cd/artist'/></a></td> Expected :<a href='https://www.google.com'>ArtistName</a> Actual :<a href='https://www.google.com'>ArtistName</a> Any help on this would be very much appreciated. Looking forward for a quick responseI have enclosed the sample HTML and the XSL file for reference.HTML : <!doctype html><html><head>&#9;&#9;&#9;<meta charset='utf-8'>&#9;&#9;&#9;<title>Blank Form</title>&#9;&#9;&#9;<h1>SAMPLE HTML PAGE</h1> </head><body><button>Click for XSLT Transformation</button><div><br>&#9; <h3> Transformed XML Document </h3> :&#9;<span></span></div><script>function doTransform() {&#9; //Create the XML var sampleXML = '<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><catalog><cd><title>Test Title</title><artist>CLICK ME!</artist></cd></catalog>'; var parser = new DOMParser(); var newParsedXML = parser.parseFromString(sampleXML, 'text/xml'); //Load the XSLT file var response = getData('./././assets/xslt/emxSampleXSL.xsl'); var dom = document.implementation.createDocument(', ', null);&#9; // dom.loadXML(response);&#9;&#9;var objDOMParser = new DOMParser();&#9;&#9;var objDoc = objDOMParser.parseFromString(response, 'text/xml'); while (dom.hasChildNodes())&#9;&#9;dom.removeChild(dom.lastChild);&#9;&#9;for (var i=0; i < objDoc.childNodes.length; i++) {&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;var objImportedNode = dom.importNode(objDoc.childNodes[i], true);&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;dom.appendChild(objImportedNode);&#9;&#9;} //Create XSLT Processor var xslProcess = new XSLTProcessor(); xslProcess.importStylesheet(dom); //Transform the sample XML with the XSLT var transformedXML = xslProcess.transformToDocument(newParsedXML); console.log('---transformedXML---> '+transformedXML); document.getElementsByClassName('add-info')[0].style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('disp-div').innerHTML = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(transformedXML);}function getData(sPath, fnCallback){ var objHTTP = new XMLHttpRequest; objHTTP.open('get', sPath, fnCallback != null); objHTTP.send(null); try { return objHTTP.responseText; } finally { objHTTP = null; }}function loadXML(response){ var objDOMParser = new DOMParser();&#9;&#9;var objDoc = objDOMParser.parseFromString(response, 'text/xml'); while (this.hasChildNodes())&#9;&#9;this.removeChild(this.lastChild);&#9;&#9;for (var i=0; i < objDoc.childNodes.length; i++) {&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;var objImportedNode = this.importNode(objDoc.childNodes[i], true);&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;this.appendChild(objImportedNode);&#9;&#9;}}</script></body></html> XSL file : <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><xsl:stylesheet version='1.0'xmlns:xsl='link'><xsl:template match='/'>&#9;<html>&#9;<body>&#9;&#9;<h2> My Data : </h2>&#9;&#9;<table border='1'>&#9;&#9;&#9;<tr bgcolor='#9acd32'>&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;<th>Title</th>&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;<th>Artist</th> <th>Address</th>&#9;&#9;&#9;</tr>&#9;&#9;&#9;<tr>&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;<td><xsl:value-of select='catalog/cd/title'/></td>&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;<td><a href='link'><xsl:value-of select='catalog/cd/artist'/></a></td> <td><a href='javascript:alert(1)'><xsl:value-of select='catalog/cd/address'/></a></td>&#9;&#9;&#9;</tr>&#9;&#9;</table>&#9;</body>&#9;</html></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>
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