Content Color Boxcreate A Colored Content Box.



This tutorial provides the steps to create some colored content boxes to use in our site. You can use it on any WordPress theme or HTML template as we are going to use the simple HTML and CSS method. If you are using the Text Box Tool to add the text boxes you need to bring up the Properties Bar toolbar to make changes to the text such as color, size etc. If you already have text written into the box you need to select it when making the changes. Hope that helps, Dimitri WindJack Solutions, Inc.

Boxes can be used to hold content in the main body of a dashboard.

This guide will show you how easy it is to implement and use the Genesis content boxes and colored buttons. First up, here’s what the end result will look like: The Plugin Way. CSS boxes are the building blocks of any web page styled with CSS. Making them nice looking is both fun and challenging. It's fun because it's all about turning a design idea into working code; It's challenging because of annoying constraints and crazy freedom in the use of CSS. Let's do some fancy boxes. See the boxes of various colors in a row near the bottom. Keep your eye out for a color pattern like the one in the image above. Needless to say, every millimeter of real estate.



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Content Color Box Create A Colored Content Box.

Content Color Boxcreate A Colored Content Box.

Contents of the box.


Optional title.


Optional footer text.


The status of the item This determines the item's backgroundcolor. Valid statuses are listed in validStatuses.


Should the header be shown with a solid color background?


If NULL (the default), the background of the box will bewhite. Otherwise, a color string. Valid colors are listed invalidColors.


The width of the box, using the Bootstrap grid system. This isused for row-based layouts. The overall width of a region is 12, so thedefault valueBox width of 4 occupies 1/3 of that width. For column-basedlayouts, use NULL for the width; the width is set by the column thatcontains the box.


The height of a box, in pixels or other CSS unit. By defaultthe height scales automatically with the content.


If TRUE, display a button in the upper right that allowsthe user to collapse the box.


If TRUE, start collapsed. This must be used withcollapsible=TRUE.

See Also

Other boxes: infoBox, tabBox,valueBox

How to Draw a Rectangular Box Around Your Content in BlueGriffon


Example output